Welcome to Reportbullying.com Mentoring Program

At Reportbullying.com our emphasis is on behavioral solutions. We educated your students that bystanders in bullying situations need to speak up, remember when they're complacent they're complicit.

Once a student has spoken up about bullying, then the school's policies and procedures come into play. Policies and procedures are essential. We recommend that a procedure should be in place to address the "At-risk student" population. We have developed a mentoring program. that will assist in the character development of students

If you feel that the discipline you have enforced through your school's policies and procedures is not working, you can implement our mentoring program.

WHY Adults
The mentoring program provides for the sharing of ideas, experiences, and demonstrated stability to help students become productive citizens in their communities.
Adults have time to commit.
Adults have a wealth of knowledge and experience.
To get the mentoring team started click here

Mission Statement

For so many students, mentoring brings them one step closer to becoming a productive, caring, and compassionate citizen in their community.

Mentors are caring, adult friends who devote time to a student. Mentors can fill any number of different roles, but they all have the same goal in common: to help students achieve their potential and discover their strengths. Mentors understand they are not meant to replace a parent, guardian, or teacher or be a disciplinarian or decision-maker for a student. Instead, mentors demonstrate positive values to help an At-Risk student define individual goals and find ways to achieve them.

A mission statement gets everyone on the same page and keeps everyone motivated to succeed. Work with your team to develop a mission statement that reflects the values of your school and community.

Keep it simple.

Sample you may use/ modify:

Our mission is to aid At-Risk students in developing a positive attitude towards school and the people in their community and to increase their value to succeed in the future. No student will be left behind, no student should be alone.